True reiki method


Health recovery methods

June 25, 2011

National medical expenses

 Although I was going to explain how to keep health in the health room, I will explain in this room because there will be many parts about the body and diseases in the health room.

 The national medical expenditure of our country has been exceeding 30 trillion yen since 1999.
 In the 2004 example, the national medical expenses are 32.1 trillion yen. As the lifestyle syndrome, cerebrovascular and hypertensive diseases are 4.9 trillion yen, cancer is 2.6 trillion yen, and diabetes is 1.9 trillion yen.

Lifestyle diseases are caused by biased lifestyle and eating habits.

 Because these lifestyle diseases are basically caused by biased lifestyle and eating habits according to Western medicine, they are essentially preventable diseases.
 In addition, the number of patients with dialysis should have exceeded 300,000 in 2010. In other words, we are receiving dialysis at a rate of one in 400 people. This is an amazing number.
 Moreover, most of the cause of dialysis is diabetes. And public expenses burden of dialysis will be over 1.5 trillion yen. This is an unbelievable figure too. Tax revenue of the country is over 40 trillion yen. One-thirtieth of it is spent only for dialysis.
 In Western medicine, it is thought that it is impossible to recover when the kidneys become bad, but kidney recovery will be possible with True reiki method. However, when you do not use the kidneys after dialysis, the kidneys shrink rapidly and change into fat. Then, it is impossible to recover the kidneys since there is no kidney.

A true cause of the lifestyle disease may be a stress.

 In my experience of watching many people, the cause of most diseases is mental stress though it is thought that the cause of the lifestyle diseases is a lifestyle habits in Western medicine.
 There may be influences such as lifestyle habits, but in most cases, stress is common to people suffering from diseases such as cancer, kidney diseases, hypertension, diabetes, and the rheumatoid arthritis.
 Not a few people are not conscious of being stressed. But it was obvious that they also accumulated stress if I examined their body.

 I do not want to deny the necessity of Western medicine, but I hope to understand and practice the health methods and health recovery methods introduced here in order to prevent sick tragedies as much as possible.

True reiki method
Health recovery methods